The nifty fabric bags your Great Sleep sheets arrive in are much more than a cute marketing idea. They’re made from fabric offcuts that would otherwise go to landfill, so they’re a sustainable, plastic-free way to keep your sheets clean and safe until you receive them.
Once your sheets have been unpacked, washed and stacked in your linen cupboard ready for use, the fabric bag has a multitude of uses. Here are some we like:
Training shoe bag. Our bags are just the right size for your trainers, so they can stay separate from all the other stuff in your gym bag.
Gym shower bag: Bag-up your towel, shower gel and hair products for an easy dash to the gym shower.
Packing organisers. When you’re packing for a holiday, keep all your undies in one Great Sleep bag and all your socks in another. It makes finding the essentials easy in the morning.
Travel shoe bag. Continuing the theme, our bags come in handy for shoe storage in your suitcase or overnight bag.
Travel laundry bag. Use a bag to keep dirty laundry separate from clean clothes.
Homework or book bag. Our bags are good for portable book storage for everyone from pre-schoolers to book clubbers.
Potato and onion storage. Keep your potatoes and onions in our breathable bags, just don’t store them together because they make each other sprout.
Clothes fresheners. Put some pot pourri in a Great Sleep bag and hang it in your wardrobe or linen cupboard for sweet-smelling clothes.
Trick or treating. At Halloween, send the kids off with a Great Sleep bag and they’ll come home with a great haul of confectionery.
Hanging tomato planter. Fill a Great Sleep bag with compost and top off with a tomato plant. Hang the bag on a hook and grow tomatoes that drape down the wall. Remember to water daily, to keep the soil moist.
Garden ties: Older bags can be torn into strips to use as garden ties.
Compost. When your bag reaches the end of its life, cut it up and add to your garden compost. Because the fabric we use is 100% natural, it will eventually break down.
If you have any other interesting ideas for re-using our bags, we’d love to hear them. Email us at